A Letter to School Counselors

A Letter to School Counselors

Jen Money-Brady, HOPE Director, knows from first-hand experience the beauty and trials of being a school counselor. Read her letter to fellow counselors about how instrumental their impact is to students of all abilities. Dear School Counselors, We celebrate your...
With Gratitude for 2016

With Gratitude for 2016

Executive Director and Co-Founder, Vivian Maley, reflects on what she is grateful for following another successful year of serving children of all abilities. I have spent this year celebrating the gratitude I have for family, friends, and everything related to JMF. ...
Don’t be a bully, be an upstander

Don’t be a bully, be an upstander

Upstander? Bystander? Instigator? There are lots of buzzwords en vogue with any discussion around bullying. At JMF, we cultivate upstanders, individuals who see wrong and act, who take a stand against acts of injustice or intolerance.Being an upstander not only...