
Hope Cover Image JMF


Hope builds awareness of the importance of mental health and teaches youth how to advocate for the health and well-being of themselves and others.

Developed by our team of educators and counselors, Hope teaches youth in preKindergarten through twelfth grade with developmentally-appropriate, standards-based curriculum that is revised annually.

Disability Program Overview Image


JMF Home Program
JMF Hope Program
JMF Hope Program


PreK Everybody Has Feelings
Kindergarten Our Feelings Change
Grade 1 Friendship
Grade 2 Uniquely Me
Grade 3 You Are Not Alone
Grade 4 Embracing Differences
Grade 5 The Mind-Body Connection


Grade 6 A Healthy You
Grade 7 How to Be Mentally Strong
Grade 8 You Can Choose Your Own Mindset

High School

Grades 9-10 Choosing Mental Health in Our Digital World
Grades 11-12 Overcoming Mental Health Stigma

Core program elements include, but are not limited to, comprehensive curriculum guides, thematic and engaging lessons, recorded Joseph Maley Foundation puppet shows and Joseph Maley Foundation speakers, program planning meetings with Foundation staff, ongoing program support, and much more!

If you are interested in bringing Hope to your school, please contact Lead Education Manager, Stephanie Becher at sbecher@josephmaley.org

JMF Testimonial Butterflies


“This was a positive experience and something I would do again. The lessons were thorough but short and covered good life lessons for students to learn.”

– Teacher, Levan Scott Academy

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