In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Joseph Maley Foundation pivots in-person programming to a virtual e-learning space. This change, and the corresponding change in workplace needs, translates to a move to a smaller Enrichment Center. (7176 Lakeview Pkwy W. Dr,...


In November, the Foundation hosts our first Butterfly Ball, a gala event that brings our community together to celebrate the growth and trajectory of Joseph Maley Foundation.


The first Sibs Summer Camp was held in 2017, and gave siblings of children with disabilities an opportunity to meet with peers who were navigating similar life experiences. Sibs Support programming directly addresses the unique social and emotional needs of this...


In response to the increasing mental health needs of our youth, the Junior Board of Directors drive the initiative to develop our third education program: Hope. Hope teaches students how to advocate for their own well-being, as well as that of their peers’. LEARN...


Family Support, our third service program, begins with Individualized Education Program (IEP) assistance. Families who have a child with a disability and need help navigating the IEP process are paired with a pro bono attorney. The program has grown to include the...