
Summer with the Ed Team

Summer with the Ed Team

With class out of session, it'd be easy to assume that our education team (the staff members at the Foundation that work to create, pilot, and implement our educational programs into area schools) might be enjoying a nice, relaxing summer break. And while summers DO...

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Get To Know Our Volunteers

Get To Know Our Volunteers

As National Volunteer Week (April 21-27) begins to wind down, we want to take the opportunity to highlight just a fraction of some of our amazing volunteers. In our previous blog, we discussed how volunteers contribute toward our mission, and listed ways for potential...

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Donor Feature: Christie McClurg

Donor Feature: Christie McClurg

What started as a friendly, neighborly meeting of locals blossomed into dedicated support and commitment. John Maley was wearing the bright green Joseph Maley Foundation bracelet when he met Christie McClurg. From there, a brief explanation about the Foundation’s...

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Educator Feature: Kayla Baker

Educator Feature: Kayla Baker

When one of her student’s approached her with a bright look in his eyes, Middle School Inclusion Teacher, Kayla Baker, knew a special connection had been made. “He’s just like me!” Kayla’s student told her. Kayla’s class had just finished listening to Joseph Maley...

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The Joseph Maley Foundation 2022 Golf OutingSeptember 2022 Register Now